VA Positions
Altitude is currently recruiting VA's to join our VA team.
If you think you have the skills and energy to join 'Team Altitude', please fill in the form below
Coaching Positions
Are you a passionate ambitious coach/consultant who works with female entrepreneurs...
...and would love to work alongside me and my team of inspiring coaches on our industry-leading immersive coaching experience Altitude?
If so, I'm currently looking for Supporting Coaches to join the team.
If you...
✅ Have experience working with female entrepreneurs to help them level up their lives and/or grow their businesses...
✅ Have big ambitions for yourself and your own business...
✅ Have the time, energy and dedication to deliver (and/or sell) something life-changing (and earn some serious money)...
...then I want to hear from you.
What's the benefit?
We have 3 roles open for application...
✨ Join our Affiliate team - be part of the buzz and refer your leads into our Sales Team for competitive commission rates.
✨ Join our Delivery Team - be part of our core Supporting Coaching Team and - on completion of our Delivery Training - deliver our Coaching Packages to our Altitude clients for a fixed competitive delivery payment.
✨ Join our Enrolment Team - be part of our inner circle and enjoy industry-leading commission rates for enrolling clients into our immersive experience.
Next Steps
If you would like to find out more about becoming a Supporting Coach, please fill in the form below and if I think you're right for the team (and there is space for your skills/expertise) I will be in touch with all the details.
I look forward to chatting with you...