Podcast 67 - Business Backstage: The Power of a Positive Money Mindset

So, what's it all about?

Welcome to the NEW Business Backstage Series on the Mindset and Method podcast!

So many conversations happen behind the scenes in my Immersive Coaching Experience, Altitude, as my team of business growth experts and I chat about all things mindset, business simplicity and sales, we knew we just had to record them so you could listen in.

No-where else can you take such a detailed peek behind the curtains of a business growth experience than right here on ‘Business Backstage’...

In this episode, we start by discussing the frustration and sense of being stuck that can arise when passion-driven work fails to yield monetary success.

Kayleigh Provins, a renowned money mindset coach and one of our Business Growth Experts on Altitude explains how our mindset towards money plays a crucial role in determining our financial outcomes.

She emphasizes the mindset of wealthy individuals, who view money as a means to fulfill desires and create a positive impact in their lives and the world. Then we reflect on the detrimental effects of operating from a place of fear and scarcity when it comes to money. We stress the need to adopt a different mindset, one rooted in abundance and possibility, in order to achieve greater success.

We discuss the journey of starting a business and finding your own unique path - avoiding generic solutions and embracing authenticity to attract sales. Failure is an integral part of this journey, and throughout the episode we encorage listeners to learn from their mistakes and bounce back stronger.

A highlight of the episode is the distinction between the mindset of corporate employees and entrepreneurs when it comes to money. Listeners are encouraged to challenge fixed ideas about income and spending and embrace the entrepreneurial mindset, which embraces the potential for unlimited financial growth.

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Hello and welcome to the Business Backstage series here on the Mindset and Method podcast. Business Backstage is where I invite my incredible associate coaches, the ladies who work with me on my Altitude Immersive Coaching experience, to chat about what's going on in the business world right now. Our conversations are designed to help you fast-track yourself to your next big business goal instead of having to figure it all out by yourself.

So what's Altitude? Altitude is how I work with my clients to turn their stressful, over-complicated, passion-led ventures into enjoyable, easy-to-run and consistently profitable businesses. I do this with the support of an amazing team of associate coaches who we pull in to give that extra level of expertise and support for our clients. And these incredible ladies are the ones who will feature here on Business Backstage.

Okay, let's dive in. Thanks so much for listening to Business Backstage, the series where I invite my associate coaches to chat about what's going on in the business world right now, so you don't have to figure it all out for yourself. I'm super excited to welcome Kayleigh Provins here today to chat to us. Kayleigh is primarily money mindset, so I know this is going to be a good chat. So before we dive in, let us know who you are and what you do and a bit about yourself.

Hello, yes, so I'm super excited to be here. Thanks for having me here, Jenny, and being here on behalf of Altitude. So I, as Jenny said, I'm a money mindset coach. I am incredibly passionate about this topic and I think it's a topic that we don't talk enough about. I help business owners and people in business who just know that there's another level to really understand why money mindset is important, but also to understand what their money mindset is and also what they would like it to be in order that they can break free from old patterns and old structures that it's likely are probably holding them back. So, yeah. Absolutely. So that's a great place to start.

So why do you believe that money mindset is so important? Like we get it, we get it, but there's a lot of people who hear the term money mindset and they hear people like us talking about it, but they don't quite get why it's so important to work on your own money mindset. I mean, my first initial response wanted to be why? Well, because why wouldn't you think it's important? It is so intrinsically tied to our self-worth, but also in a tangible sense. Our money mindset is the thing that sets us apart from being able to make consistent four-figure months to five-figure months to six-figure months.

It's the foundation of what we believe we're able to achieve. And I know it can seem like a bit of a hypothetical topic. People, as you say, are not sure what the importance of it is, but the truth is we're all walking around with these beliefs and set mindsets about what we're able to achieve, but also what we're worthy of achieving.

And we don't even realize it. We don't even realize that we've got these self-imposed limitations from generations gone by or past experiences in the corporate world. You know, it really is the foundation of what allows us to step into our full power, to really and truly welcome in all of the abundance that we desire. That's what we want, not what somebody else tells us we should want. Yeah. And we are definitely going to go there because, yeah, that's a really crucial point. And I think the other thing about money mindset is really when you look at kind of success psychology and the psychology of how the super successful think and what they fundamentally believe and the actions that they take because of the beliefs that they have, they think about money in a very different way to what the sort of normal person out there is taught to believe about money. And I guess the basis is all of that is what have you been taught about money through your life? And is that helping you or is that hindering you? Because chances are, if you get to a place where like our typical altitude clients kind of come in and join us, typically they're at this place where they are stuck.

They have done a bit of the business journey and then they are stuck for some reason. And some clients know why they're stuck and other clients don't know why they're stuck. But a lot of that stuck feeling is around mindset and beliefs and, you know, the fundamental building blocks of your business when it links to mindset. And I know you talk about this thing called the cycle of stuck from kind of a mindset and money perspective. So talk us through that now and so that people can understand if they're at that stage and what that means. Yeah, absolutely. And I think, you know, you hit the nail on the head there with it really is all about the way that we think about money and this cycle of stuck that I see so often and it's almost a rite of passage, I feel like. So people, you know, leaving the corporate world or launching their own business or starting something new because it does have to involve a change of mindset.

It does have to involve an evolution of what you did believe and used to believe. And that's not to say that what you used to believe didn't serve you in the situation that you were in. So this cycle of stuck that I talk about is that knowing that there's more, knowing that you're worth more, but just no matter what you do, no matter what strategy from here you apply or no matter what book you read that tells you to do A, B, C and D and it'll all work, you can't seem to break free from the income level that you're on from where you are. And you go into this business with this passion and this real excitement and a strong sense of purpose and often from past experiences, if you've been in the corporate world or you've come from employment, your worth is based a little bit, probably shouldn't be, but is on your income, on achieving your bonuses at work. And so suddenly you come into this business with so much passion and excitement and maybe it doesn't quite take off as quickly as you expected.

So immediately you start to feel like it's you. Your self-worth takes a hit. You start to feel like you lose the focus on the vision and why you're there and the message that you have to share. And you start focusing on the fact that you're not making the money that you wanted to be making. And that must mean that you're doing something wrong. And that must mean that maybe your message is wrong or you're not. And this cycle just perpetuates because that then makes you feel like, well, but I'm here with a drive, with a passion.

It shouldn't be about the money. So then we tell ourselves, it's not about the money. I shouldn't think about the money. It's just about my passion. And it just becomes this perpetual cycle where we're focused and we're excited and it's about the passion and the purpose. And then it doesn't translate financially. So then we beat ourselves up and then we tell ourselves, no, no, no, it's not about money.

And then you see where I'm going. Yeah, absolutely. It just becomes this frustrating cycle of why can't I make it work? And we start to internalize that and we start to question whether what we're doing is the right thing. Yeah, absolutely. And I think as well as this is a historic thing, because I think, I don't know whether it's a female thing as well, maybe more than a male thing, but we're taught not to want the money.

We're taught not to focus on the money. It's not all about the money. Wanting lots of money is greedy and it shouldn't be about the money. It should be about helping people and, you know, doing what you love. And I think a lot of the clients that come to us for Altitude are passion driven women. But somehow the message has been merged with the money thing. So being passion driven therefore means you shouldn't be financially driven and being financially driven is somehow a negative thing. And I think a lot of what we do inside Altitude is try and rewire that to say they're two separate things.

You know, why do they need to be connected? Being passion driven and doing something that you love and making impact for people is not linked to how much money you make out of it. You can be both at the same time. You can be passion led and money led. And I think where people get stuck is they feel like they're passion led so they don't focus on the money.

So don't focus on making money. But then because of how we've been taught, the way we judge our own success or our self-worth is directly linked to how much money we're making, even though they tell you, well, it's not about the money. It's about this, that, you know, it's about the passion.

It's about enjoyment. It's about helping people. But then inside you're thinking, well, I'm not making the 5K months, the 10K months, the six figure business, the seven figure business. And I thought, you know, I haven't reached my previous corporate salary or your success is then kind of defined by the level of money that you make. And until you are really intentional about exploring that, there's a real mismatch there, which can really lead to people getting stuck.

Do you find that as well? It's like, yeah, that real mismatch in it. Yeah. And it's and it goes back to what you were saying earlier with the different way that the wealthy and really successful people think about money. Because one of the things that I always say is it's never really about the money. Because the truth is, it's not about making that figure. It's not about hitting that financial target. Of course, we have to have one, which is another problem because if we don't have one, we don't know what we're working towards. Absolutely. Yeah. But it's about what will that money allow you to do?

And that's how wealthy people think. If I can get my message out there and help these people and get paid to do it, then the money that I have, that means what can I then do with that? Rather than the link to self-worth, it's a link to I can make a bigger impact. I can help more people, the more wealth I create for myself, the domino effect then spreads. And I think that's the key difference between a kind of lack and stuck mindset and a growth mindset. Yeah, absolutely. I know we wanted to talk about that position of fear as well. And I think this links to that because what you were taught about money as a child links into that fear as well. If you had parents that said stuff like money doesn't grow on trees and from a really kind of financially risk-averse place and mindset, then that fear in terms of investing in yourself, believing anything's possible, really allowing yourself to do things your way, it then really is much, much harder. If you were taught as a kid that there'll always be a way to make more money, do good things with money, let money help you create more money.

If you were taught that kind of mindset, you're not working from this place of fear. And we've been talking about before about the place of fear and then not having your values met because of that. So yeah, talk us through a bit about that. Yeah, so it's something that I see so often is within the first few minutes of meeting somebody, the first thing I'll usually ask them is, what makes you happy? And nine times out of 10, there's this pregnant pause and they're like, well, hanging out with my family, you know, being able to spend time with friends at the weekend.

And I'm like, okay. And it's because there's just this total disconnect because what we're surrounded by is this constant messaging of what should make us happy. So when we're not in a particularly happy place, or maybe we haven't done the work on what our true values are and how we can have those fulfilled, what happens is we create these lists of values and we create these dreams based on what is probably not ours. It's what society is telling us should make us happy. And what happens often is when we break that, when we leave corporate, we leave a job and we take that risk and we break that to launch our own business. What we do, because we've come to a realization that maybe all of those things weren't the things that made us happy. We finally realized that if we weren't as happy as we thought we were going to be, is we start operating from a place of fear and we start operating from a place of not having our values met. And what I mean by that is, I'll use myself as a perfect example.

I left the UK when I was 18. I didn't realize until I was in my early 30s that I had curated the life that I wanted based on the fear of not wanting to have the normal life. It was only when I realized that and I worked on my mindset and I switched it around and started operating from a place of, but if I really focused on having the freedom I always wanted, the location freedom, the time freedom, the exploring the world, if I really focused on those things, instead of operating from a place of fear of not having those things, and that's when everything changed for me. And I think that so often we don't even realize that we're operating from a place of fear. And when money's concerned, that fear can be so huge because as you said, if we're surrounded as a child by things, parents arguing over money being tight or constant stress in the household about money, it just creates a sensation and a feeling of lack in our body internally.

Whether we remember that or not, that's then part of our chemistry. That's part of our brain chemistry. And so we create parts of us to help us manage that. And they can be parts that are extremely frugal and don't allow us to spend our money. They can be parts that as soon as we get money, we find something to spend it on. There's so much in it and so much involved in it, but really operating from that place of fear is something that because you can have success operating from that base, I think people don't talk about it enough that if you switch it and you start operating from a different place, then your success is going to be a hundred times more. Yeah. And I think when you're sat in that place as well, you are far less likely to try to follow your own path with your business. And then, you know, we've talked about this before being bombarded by the messaging out there from kind of gurus in whatever industry you're in that you should do it this way. And, you know, maybe other programs and things trying to sell you their way of what worked for them. I think when you're in corporate or a job, you are given targets, but you're also told how to do your job.

When you start your own business, that there's hundreds of people telling you how they think you should do it, but ultimately realizing your how is your own journey. Your how is your own choice. Your how is your own decision. You know, how you want to run your business, what you want to sell, what's the price of that, how you want your funnel to work, how you want to get in front of your audience, how you want to convert those audience into sales. This is all stuff that you need to figure out from your own place of what do you enjoy?

How do you want it to work? How do you want it to look? What do you want to be doing on a daily basis? And I think that really massively pushes people out of their comfort zone because they're like, well, I haven't had that. I spent a decade in, you know, the industry where I was just told how to do and what to do and how to do. And yes, I had a lot of say over how I implemented that. But I think running your own business is then puts you in a place of, oh, my God, I've got to figure all of this out myself. And that then puts you in a place of, right, how are other people doing it?

And shall I just copy what they're doing? And that's not helped by the messaging in the industry right now, where it's like, right, buy my strategy, buy the way I did it, do it the way I did it. And you'll get this six figure business, do it the way I did it. And you'll hit 10K months because it's not about that. And that's not what we do in Altitude.

We figure out, OK, what is your strategy? Let's do the deeper work so that we can find out actually how you want to run your business. How do you want your business to look? How do you want your business to work? And then what pieces of the puzzle do we put together in what order to make it a U-shaped business? And I think the messaging in the industry, it's so easy to slip into that mindset of, well, I have to copy what the successful people are doing to be successful. And that is a message that I know both of us, fight quite hard against. And that is to do with money, but it's also to do with your business model and what you offer and your price and everything else as well.

So, yeah, I know you're going to agree with me on this. Yeah, I definitely do. And it comes back to and the way that this kind of ties in for me with money mindset and the way that you see yourself is you very quickly can become an employee inside your own business. So, your mindset goes straight back there and everything that was tied to that, including your wage and your salary. And you start thinking of yourself in terms of, oh, well, how much work have I done today?

And how does that work out an hour? Yeah. And it's like, I see so much messaging out there. You're right.

Like, this is what I did. And, you know, like this kind of cookie cutter, take my thing and stick it on your business and everything will be OK. Yeah, absolutely. And all it does for those of us who that doesn't work for is make us feel lesser. Yeah. It makes us feel like we, well, hang on a minute. I mean, I'm in this in my business because I'm passionate, because I'm purpose driven, because I have a message to share. And yet I can't get this coach who I've paid this amount of money for to give me this system to understand what it is that I'm trying to do. Yeah. So, then we start to question, well, OK, well, I'll just do it then. And then we lose the passion and we start doing these things day to day that we don't really want to be doing.

And to be honest, nine times out of ten, that leads to attracting clients that aren't really who we want to be attracting because we're not being authentic to ourselves. And I think, you know, business mentorship should be much more about exactly what Altitude does and offers people is that, you know, we're literally saying, hey, this is your business. Yeah. You know, you know what's right for your business. But we've also got this team of amazing coaches that are going to be able to take that that vision that you've got and apply it practically. Yeah. Yeah. Because sometimes we have this vision and we know what we want to do, but we just need somebody who understands to sit with us and say, yeah, well, yeah, we can do that.

Let's have a talk about it. How do you think we can get, you know, how let's strategize. How can we put this in place? Because this cookie cutter approach is just it's making too many people feel like they're in block out the industry and they're not cut out from the business. Yeah. And that in itself. What's a huge mindset block on money and any money that you're that you're going to be able to make from it.

Not just that. But and I know there'll be people probably listening to this that they're thinking, yeah, like some people that, you know, do stuff that they don't like or whatever.

They've made millions. There are people out there that way. I guarantee you that they're not happy. Yeah, absolutely. They're not fulfilled. They're not living a life that's aligned to them. And at the end of the day, I don't want to do anything or be in a business that the ultimate goal isn't more of what I classed as happiness. Yeah, absolutely.

Not what somebody else is telling me. And I think there's yeah, there's there's a connection with the failure piece here as well, because from two sides, from, you know, the fear of failure, that again, we're taught that the very successful wealthy people of this world don't fear failure. They know that failure is part of that journey. But the rest of us maybe who have fitted into, you know, the academic structure, we're very much taught failure is bad failure, you know, isn't to be embraced.

And I think that's the fear of failure. And then when you take a cookie cutter approach, and you try and apply it to your business, and it doesn't work, because, you know, you fundamentally don't want to do it that way. And you're not enjoying it that way. And therefore, you don't, you know, you can't make it work. This failure thing comes up again, it's like, well, I tried it that way. And it didn't work. And again, that puts you back in that fixed mindset, where you're like, well, I tried this course, and it didn't work for me.

I tried Facebook ads, they haven't worked for me. I've tried this, they haven't worked for me. I tried an email nurture sequence that didn't work for me. And then all of a sudden, you're run out of options. And you're like, nothing works for me. I don't I don't know, you know what to do. Yeah. And then you're very much back in that fixed mindset, rather than stepping into the gross mindset where you go, how do you want your business to work?

Okay, how do you make it work? Because I guarantee Facebook ads work for some people, email nurture sequences work for some people. So it's not that it doesn't work full stop, is because you don't believe that it's worked because you've tried it one way. And for some reason, you've not stuck at it, and it's not worked. And potentially, that's linked to buying someone else's cookie cutter approach, and just not being fully in it not being not really wanting to do it that way and not sticking at it long enough to figure out how you make it work for you in your U shaped business that you are going to enjoy running. So yeah, this talk to us a bit about failure as well, because I know that's going to have come up for you in terms of the fear of failure and stopping that, you know, stopping people from investing in what they want to invest in, because they know it's going to get them to that next step, that fear of failure comes in massively there.

Yeah, fear of failure is so huge. And I'm actually a person that doesn't believe that failure exists. Yeah. And I've kind of always felt that way. And it always baffled me that people were nervous to try things or scared to do something or. But what I will tell you is when I tried to apply a cookie cutter approach to my business when I first started is I suddenly started feeling like I was failing. Yeah. And that that failure is in the way that the person who you're being mentored with that feeling of failure is all in how they respond to you. Yeah. I think if you're in a cookie cutter program where it's very clear that it's this is the way and you go to your mentor and you say, I've tried this, but I know something wasn't quite right and feel quite right.

It's not really working. Nine times out of ten, the answer you're going to get is just keep doing it. Yeah. You just just keep doing it.

You just haven't done it enough. Just keep doing it. Yeah. So you just keep doing it. You just keep doing it.

And it's kind of that cycle again. And that that creates then a fear in trusting yourself to make sound investment decisions. Yeah. To to trust yourself to say. I need to invest more money in my growth in order to take my business where it is. And I think the big lesson that I would say about failure and the big thing that, you know, the most important thing about failure is I would say failure is really just an opportunity for you to learn. It's an opportunity for you to learn more about who you are, maybe, or to learn about what doesn't fit or what feels icky for you or what what you what how you would rather do it. But also failure is an opportunity for you to understand more about where it is that you want to go.

So rather than seeing failure as. I just can't as a failure, you know, yeah, let's let's see it as as an opportunity to grow. Let's let's start looking at it as a lesson in perhaps the value was not where we expected it to be. Yeah. And I think that's huge, because when we talk about money, money doesn't have a value until we give it its value. So when we invest in something and it doesn't work out, we distrust ourselves to the value of that amount. We're like, I should never be trusted with that amount of money again. Yeah, because look what look what just happened. It didn't work because we're focused on what we expected to get out of the journey. Yeah. But actually, maybe the lesson in that is that this isn't right for me.

And maybe the lesson is that this is what you had to invest in order to learn that this is not how I want to run my business. Yeah. And that's. Yeah, I think that's such an incredibly valuable lesson to learn. And I think that's probably one of the biggest things people struggle with is actually uncovering how they do want to run their business. And I think that's that's probably the hardest bit. Right. Because you've especially in that growth phase that we talk about, you try everything, you try different offers, you try different price points, you try different messaging, you try different ideal clients. But, you know, the quicker you fail through that process, the quicker you're going to find out how you do want to do it, what you do want to offer, who you do want to work with, you know, what the what the price point is, you know, what the messaging is, how you want to run your funnel so that you find people that are right for you and you take them through that journey to help them buy your thing. And yeah, it's yeah, just want to literally echo everything that you've just said. And I think it it's and I guess we're not encouraging people to buy Kushikata's approaches to see what they can learn from.

No, definitely not. But it's about more intention around what you're spending your money on. And I know we've spoken about what's the difference between spending and investing. And I'm sure you're going to have a point of view on that. But yeah, it is really about being really intentional that the thing that you're investing in is right for you. And you don't know that until you've failed a bit around that. And the more you fail around that, the more you realize what it is you actually do want. And for us and for our clients, it's about finding their own way to tap into what they love and then learning how to make money out of it by doing the thing that they love day in, day out. So yeah. So yeah, take me back to this spending versus investing as well, because I know you're going to have an opinion on that. Yeah. So I mean, so often the let's face it, society tells us, right, we earn money.

We save money or we spend money. Some people do save first, some people do save last. The wealthy save first and then spend.

And then we spend money. And that's, that's a cycle, right? Money comes in, we save a bit, we spend the rest. I don't actually like the term spending because I think spending is something that we do when we're not consciously investing our money. Yeah. Spending is an unconscious action. So investing is taking that time and that, and it doesn't have to be a long process. I'm not telling people to, you know, go into the supermarket and stand in front of the bananas for 20 minutes and ask themselves, is this purchase going to, you know, it doesn't have to be that deep. But when we talk about our business and knowing what's right and being able to invest in our businesses and in ourselves for the future is you really just have to ask yourself, is it aligned? Is this aligned? Because if it's not aligned, but you were about to do it anyway, then you're spending money.

And that's a money mindset mechanism that needs some work. If you're doing it because it feels aligned, because you just, you feel this fire in you, don't let those old little voices start chirping up at the back of your mind and be like, are you sure you can do this? Are you sure you can make this work? Because that again is old habits that are trying to make you spend your money over investing your money. And for me, when I think about paying my rent, when I think about buying books, or when I think about, for me, that's all investing. Because that's allowing me to direct my money where I know is going to have the biggest return for me. You know, upgrading from a tiny one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom apartment two years ago, when I was about to launch my business was what I needed to know that I had the space to do what I needed to do. And I think that habit of spending and that thought of, let's face it, the fear of speaking to our other half or whoever else is involved in our lives financially and saying, I'm going to spend £8,000 on this coaching programme, you're not spending it, you're investing it. And so we have to look at everything in terms of its return, in terms of what that's going to mean. And I think often the message that we get with investing, because it's not spoken about anywhere near enough anyway, with actual, how do we make the money that we've got into more money, doesn't always mean investing it in stocks and shares, doesn't mean putting it in a savings account.

Your biggest investment is always going to be you. So how can I invest this money? What would my, I like to refer to it as my wealthiest self, what would my wealthiest self do with this money? What decision would they make? Would I spend this £2,000 tax rebate that I just got on a handbag or would I invest it in some more structures and systems around my business? Yeah, absolutely. I think this comes from the history and especially if you come out of corporate, I think your mindset goes to somebody else is deciding how much you get paid and how much you get paid is out of your control. So you fall into this habit of every single month you get X amount and then from that you take off your mortgage or bills and you've got this much left over and that's what you've got to spend.

And that's a really fixed mindset way of looking at money. And when you move into your business and running your own business, you kind of run your finances in the same way. So it's like, right, I've made this much money for this month, you know, this is my bills or this is what I need to do to pay the mortgage and then the rest I've got left over to spend. Whereas if you look at the wealthy, wealthy successful people and how they run their business, they don't do it in that way because it's about the bigger picture. And I think from spending ages in corporate or being grown up with that kind of mentality, it's putting you in a place of this budget that you have is fixed and you have no control over it. And therefore you're then stepping back into the place of fear. You can't possibly spend more than that because then you're in the negative, you're in the red, you know, and that's bad and you shouldn't do that. And this is all the messaging that we've been bombarded with that we've taken from our childhood and from a corporate experience into a business. But what you actually find when you run your own business is you're in control of that top level.

You're in control of how much you earn. And it's not about taking how much you earn, taking off your bills and figuring out what's left over to spend. It's not about that. You need to completely shift up that mindset in terms of, I am in control of how much I want to earn.

How much do I want to earn? And then having that conversation with yourself, how much do I want to earn? And how am I going to make that happen? And when you look at success psychology and the psychology and the mindset of people who are mega successful, you know, they look at it that way.

It's like, well, the money's always going to be there. I'm always going to find the money. So how much money do I want and what do I need to do to make that happen? And I don't think many of us make that jump from over there where you're defined by the salary that you make and you take off your bills and you figure out how much you've got left over to a really entrepreneurial money mindset where you're like, well, I have, I'm in control of how much I earn. And especially at the moment in the economy that we're in, that's a really powerful place to be, to have your own business and decide how much you want to earn from that is incredibly valuable. And with inflation, you know, you can't, you don't have the say in a salary job unless you ask for a pay rise, which let's face it.

You might get 2%. If you run your own business, you decide your own pay rises by changing the actions that you do and the beliefs that you have around that.

So, yeah, I love that point. So anything final you want to say about that before I move on to my final question for you? I just wanted to say, actually, because as you were talking, it was, it's just sitting there is that that's one of the biggest problems is that, that, that fixed idea of your, your income and your spend, and this is what you earn. And in terms of money mindset, we don't realize it, but we place a limit on ourselves based on what we know we can achieve. And quite often the step from tech for taking your business from five figure months to six figure months is a simple reality check that you're in control. Yeah, absolutely. You're the one telling yourself that, that this is what I'm capable of making. Well, so how about we tell ourselves that we're capable of making 10 times that? Yeah. Because that, that lack and structured mindset that comes from society, it, it, it just doesn't serve us as entrepreneurs. No, but breaking it, there's a lot of emotion and guilt, believe it or not, attached to breaking that because we feel like we're going against everything we've ever been taught.

Everything we've ever been told about the world, that security and safety is a job and a mortgage. And, uh, and it's, it's difficult to, to stand in our own power and stand in our strengths when we've got so many people telling us, but wouldn't you be better off just staying in your job? Yeah. We're going to be an entrepreneur.

There's no safety in that. Well, there's the ultimate safety in that actually, because you're the one in control. Yeah. That's exactly what I was going to say in a job. They could just get rid of you tomorrow. And also what, what that means from your values is everything you've done for that job, then disappears. You, if you leave a company, I guarantee you within about two or three years, they will have forgotten your name. Even if you'd been there 10, 15, 20 years, at some point, that whole company, that whole enterprise is going to forget who you are, but working for yourself, you build your own legacy and you're also in control of how much you earn. If you do it in your way and you do it the, you know, with the building blocks and your foundations that work from you. And if you build your assets and you build your legacy and you build your processes and you understand your numbers and you understand your strategy and you understand your industry and your ideal client, which is what we work on in altitude. No one can take that away from you because you're effectively building your business around you.

And that for me is the ultimate security because you're in control of everything. Whereas you work for a salaried company, they could get rid of you tomorrow. And so I'm always a bit confused by this or, you know, it's this, the security thing is linked to the salary job. I'm like, no, if you do it properly, like the security thing is absolutely building assets and legacy into who you are and what you love doing and figuring out how you make money from it and being completely unapologetic about that.

So yeah, loves that. And I'd love to end on that. So if my final question to you is, if people are resonating with this conversation, what's your one piece of advice? If they're sat in that stuck space that we've been talking about, what's your one piece of advice that we can finish on? My one piece of advice would be to get curious. Just get curious about what it is that's going on physically in their body, what they're feeling, what they're thinking, and just start to ask those questions.

Like, is this what I really believe? Yeah. Do I really believe that I can't do this?

Or is it somebody else's belief? Where's it coming from? Because the truth is only when we get curious, are we then open to learning and understanding a way that we can step out and break free from those limitations and understand how we can be the author of our own story. Like, we don't have to let all of these old beliefs and structures and systems dictate the way that we're feeling about ourselves or the way that we want to do something. So by getting curious, we open up the doors of possibility that we have a choice.

Yeah, love that. And it's up to us. And when we understand that we have a choice, then things can start to change. Yeah, I love that. Yeah, what an amazing thought-provoking thing to end on. So absolutely love chatting with you here on Business Backstage.

It's been amazing to have you on. Tell the people, if they are curious to come and find you and come into your world, let them know how they can do that.

Yeah, thank you, Jenny. It's been a pleasure to come and talk. And I could talk for hours and days and days and days on this topic.

I know we could. Every time we do, we always run out of time. So if this has stirred up some thoughts in you and you're feeling like this really resonates and this sounds like you, you can find me on Instagram. I share a lot of hints and tips and I don't hold anything back. I don't gatekeep any information. So yeah, you can find me on Instagram.

I'm Kaylee M. Provins. If you just put Kaylee Provins in, I'm sure you'll find me. It's my face. So yeah, that's where you can find me. And yeah, I look forward to connecting with you and supporting everybody that comes through, through Attitude and helping them to break that cycle and just set up their business their way. Yeah, brilliant. And I will be including links to Kaylee's Instagram in the show notes as well. So you will be able to find her through the show notes. So yeah, we will finish there.

Thank you so much for coming on. I hope everyone enjoyed that. And I will see the rest of you lovely listeners back here again for another episode really soon. Thank you. If you'd like to apply for one of our complimentary strategy calls with one of our amazing coaches to take you through our four-step business acceleration process that we use with our clients inside Attitude, you can now apply for a call at www.jennidonato.com/altitude-strategy-call or through the link in the show notes. I really hope you've enjoyed this episode and we will see you on the next one.

Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.