[FREE] Altitude Immersive Workshop - 5th October

Next-Level Business Growth - For Female Entrepreneurs, By Female Entrepreneurs


Are you an adventurous and highly ambitious female who wants to step out of the shadows as an industry-leader?

Do you want to do things YOUR way and step away from the industry-standard 'vanilla' offers to make a real impact and BIG results for your clients?

Do you feel like you've got so much more potential, but don't have the confidence or can't figure out 'how' to make it all happen?

If so, me and the Altitude team are hosting this free online immersive workshop to help you get to your next level...


It's for you if...

✨ ...you want to break free from the vanilla of your market and take your business to the next level with a high-impact (and therefore high earning potential) industry-leading offer.

✨ ...you're sick of playing small, want to step out of the shadows and can see the potential you have but just can't see how to make it happen.

✨ ...you're available on the 5th October and want a taste of what our clients get access to inside our 9-month Immersive Coaching Experience, Altitude.


So, what will you leave with?

✅ A new burst of energy, motivation and new ideas for your business, from how to take your next big leap to how to better generate leads, from how to make more sales (without the spam), to how to balance your business with your life to how to manage your time & streamline your business

(just check out the coaches involved to see who you'll have access to during the Breakout rooms)

✅ The wider picture of what it takes to build a business in 2023, from how to step out as an industry leader, to how craft a winning high-impact offer and make all the pieces of your business fit together so your business flows with ease.

✅ Tailored and personalised support from our team of experts through the breakout session, giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the discussions and ask the experts anything about where you're stuck and how to get you moving forward.


Over the course of the day, you will be able to...

🤩 ...hear from me - Jenni Donato, Award-Winning Mindset Coach and Business Strategist - with a key-note presentation on 'The 6 Phases Of Business - The Mindset & Strategy to Next-Level YOUR Business'

🤩 ...get the chance to join your choice of 6 breakout sessions to get hands on with our coaches and ask them anything about what's blocking you with your business...

...with breakout sessions such as 'Vision, Motivation & High-Performance', 'Marketing, Funnels & Websites' and 'Sales & Assertiveness' (see the full agenda below for the breakdown of topics)

🤩 ...meet and hear from other inspirational female business owners, get a taste of the industry-leading Altitude immersive coaching style and level up your own mindset, ambition and income!


So, what's on the Agenda?