The Shire Horse

You are driven, task-oriented, outgoing...

...and you have the mindset type of a Shire Horse.

You're strong and determined, you set big goals and you know what you want to achieve. However, this can sometimes make you impatient, impulsive and maybe a bit stubborn, taking on more than you can handle and maybe feeling like you are moving in the wrong direction or never manage to actually finish the first thing before moving on to the next.

Your friends would describe you as fun and ambitious and you are an inspiration to others - just make sure you stick with it long enough to reap the rewards!

Want to know how you can develop your mindset to make things a whole lot easier for you? Well, read on…

Connect with your big vision

People with the mindset of the strong and determined Shire Horse often don't have any trouble with actually getting stuff done, but make sure you align what you do with your big picture vision.

If you don't have a vision board, start one, and make sure all your energy and enthusiasm are focused in the right direction for long enough to actually see some results!

Learn to follow through

Shire Horse types can struggle with motivation for the boring (but vital) stuff, like marketing, relationship building or structured lead generation. Your enthusiasm will only get you so far - but ultimately it's consistency and perseverance that will get you to your end goal!

If you don't have a partner to keep you accountable for sticking with the boring bits, try getting someone to help you with accountability and ask them to push you through the bits you don't find fun.

Get some support - and a different perspective!

Find a community to keep you motivated and funnel all your efforts in the right direction to set your big money goals and uncover what needs improving/refining to smash your goals.

A supportive community can help to eliminate all the noise, streamline your business and keep you focussed on heading in the right direction - ultimately getting you where you want to be faster than if you tried to do it by yourself.

"Who’s this mindset fairy giving you all this advice?" Glad you asked...

Hey there 👋 I’m Jenni Donato, award-winning Mindset & Business Coach, helping ambitious mums grow a profitable, stress-free business and still have time for their family - and themselves.

With a total obsession with success psychology and the mindset and habits of the rich and super successful, I help busy mums with the mindset and method to adapt what they do and streamline their business - to earn more without the endless hours, mummy-guilt and burnout.

Looking for a little extra guidance? Check out these resources...

Listen to my 'Mindset and Method' Podcast where I teach the success psychology you need to know to earn more from doing what you love and I break down the difference between people who quit and people who fly.


Join my free Facebook Community 'More to Me than Mum' where over 1200 other mums are all networking, growing their businesses and learning the mindset and method to level up their business and get the life balance they dreamed of when they set it all up.


P.S. Don’t forget to check your email!

I’ll be in there with more tips to transform your mindset - and your business...

Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.