Podcast 72 - Business Backstage: Are You Selling The Right Thing?

So, what's it all about?

If your business isn't working for you - and you're not loving it the way you thought you would - chances are there's one thing you haven't considered that might make a whole load of difference...

...and that is whether you're actually selling the right thing?

Today on the Business Backstage Series - where I chat 'behind the scenes' to our amazing Altitude Business Growth Experts - I welcome Hils Crisp, The Business Alchemiste to chat about that very topic.

✅ First, we chat about why you might not be getting the results you want from your business and help uncover if it might be the way your offer is structured, priced or marketed.

✅ We also cover what happens if you get your offer or marketing wrong and the cycle you can go down with self-sabotage and a crisis of confidence if your offer doesn't sell the way you were expecting. Often this results in crafting something cheaper or more affordable for your audience, which also means you're watering down your value and might actually result in it being HARDER to sell.

✅ We then look at how to craft your offer, and Hils' own 'Offer Creation' process, including your ideal client's problems, how important it is to do your marketing research and how a great offer is tried and tested, and then constantly improved before it becomes a great offer for you AND your audience.

To follow Hils Crisp and benefit from her free resources, click here.

What can you do NOW to grow your business?

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - you can now apply for a FREE strategy call with our fully trained and experienced Altitude coaches.

On your Free Strategy Call, your allocated Business Growth Expert will...

✅ Help you get more clarity on the potential your business has for growth

✅ Identify the biggest challenges stopping you from getting those results right now and identify the blocks that might arise when growing and scaling your business

✅ Explore your next-level offers and uncover the most scalable business model that will help you reach your goals

✅ And - help you plan your next steps to grow a business you love, level up your income - and do it all in a way that is fully aligned and works in harmony with your life.

Apply now by clicking the button below...


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Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.