Podcast 061 - How To Know If You're Ready To Invest

So, what's it all about?

This episode is for you if you are...

✅ a buyer considering a big investment and don't know if you're ready or struggling with the money commitment,
✅ a seller constantly getting the 'I don't have the money' objection.

On this episode, I welcome the incredible Lisa Yelland, our Altitude Sales & Confidence Coach. With a 30 year background in sales and a love of all things sales, she was the perfect person to invite on to chat about what influences people to buy and what hinders people getting the support they want (and know they need).

In the episode, we cover the 3 main considerations that either help or hinder you when making an investment decision, including...

✅ Your mindset, beliefs and clarity of vision. If you struggle to believe the results you want are possible, or you struggle to see - in detail - what you want to achieve, you're going to struggle to invest in something that gives you the best chance of getting it.

✅ Your confidence that the offer is the right one for you. If you don't trust the sales person or don't love their offer - and understand the results you could achieve - you're going to struggle to invest.

✅ The money. Money is a massive consideration when it comes to a purchasing decision, however, this often doesn't tell us the whole story. It has been shown that up to 90%-95% of objections around money, aren't actually about the money. When you have the confidence to dive deeper - as a buyer or a seller - they often turn out to be about one of the first 2 points above.

As a buyer, you therefore need to be open to understanding what lies deeper than the price and as a seller, you need to understand you have a responsibility to help potential clients understand what's really going on in order to find a way to get them the support they need.

What can you do NOW to grow your business?

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how to actually do it - book a FREE Bullet Call below

On this action-packed 15 minute bullet call, we'll...

✅ help you get total clarity around what's not working well in your business right now

✅ AND I will give you one simple action - and a tonne of free resources - that will start to fix it.

Choose a time in my calendar by clicking the button below...


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Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.