Podcast 025 - Why Mindset Will Make You Way More (EASY) Sales Than Tactics Ever Will

So, What's It All About?

Do you constantly wonder when you're next sale is coming?

Do you celebrate every 'yes' but feel totally broken by every 'no'?

Do you want a business model which brings you consistent sales so you're not stuck in the good month / bad month rollercoaster?

In this episode I'm going to be chatting about the fundamentals you HAVE to get right with your mindset and your business model, to bring you the consistent months you want.

Here are my 2 must-haves...

✨ Move the focus of your business from 'selling' to 'serving'

When you get the confidence to serve in the right way (with the right content), without pushing the sale, you create an audience of people who want what you offer. Sales then become a simple matter of putting out a compelling offer in a fun, authentic and non-sleazy way and watching people respond.

✨ Create a business model which brings you consistent LEADS, not SALES!

Focus on building a process that brings you a consistent and predictable number of leads/enquiries each month. Whether those leads actually end up in a sale is NOT within your control BUT knowing you convert (on average) every 3rd enquiry into a sales DOES mean you know how many leads you need to generate the sales you want.

As the book 'Go For No' says - "Yes is the destination, No is how you get there!'

What can you do NOW to grow your business?

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, but don't quite have enough confidence - or know how - to actually do it. Book a FREE Breakthrough Call below

On the call we'll...

✅ Get total clarity on where you are with your business - both in terms of Mindset & Strategy

✅ Figure out what's holding you back from taking your business to the next level (this is often where the breakthrough happens!)

✅ Come out with a clear plan of how you can push your business forward, to earn you the money you want - in the time you have!

Choose a time in my calendar by clicking the button below...


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Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.