Our Values, Our Rules, Our Life

When I start working with clients, I am often faced with mothers who simply feel a bit lost. Like their world is not their own anymore. Like their 'fun' has been taken away by the responsibility of looking after their children. Or that they just simply cannot move forward with their own life because the lives of their family take up too much of their mental strength.

I often start the process of helping them rebuild their lives by seeing if I can find out their core values and what drives them as individuals away from their lives solely as mums. By attempting to get them to re-discover their core values and drivers, we can often see where the focus needs to shift to create a life of happiness, calm and fulfilment.

Our core values - and the rules we build around them without even knowing - lead us through life, skew our decisions, form our opinions of others and affect how we feel when we wake up in the morning and when we go to sleep at night.

We can find out our core values by digging deeper into what has been the most important feeling for us in life? We can then investigate what needs to happen for us to feel this, or what could be happening which stops us from feeling or living these top values.

We often find that the world we have built for ourselves - or that our mind has built for us - makes it very easy for us to block our core values and very hard for us to bring these feelings to the forefront to live a happy and fulfilled life.

So if you feel stuck and want to wake up calm and happy. Maybe you need to see if your can discover your core values and re-write your rules so you can live with intention and work towards a future you know you deserve.

For more information about creating a path towards a more calm and fulfilled life, make sure you have your FREE copy of my Mindset Map by clicking here

Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.