'Free Your Mind' Day 2 - "You Only See What You Want To See" (Confirmation Bias) And Why It Might Be Holding You Back

Have you ever heard of the saying - "You only see what you want to see?"

Confirmation bias is simply the tendency to search for information in a way that confirms your existing beliefs.
It is real and it may be holding you back.

Psychological studies have confirmed that this not only exists but is more powerful when we’re dwelling on more emotional matters. Furthermore, studies show that when we are given evidence which appears to contradict what we believe to be true, this only makes us more committed to our original standpoint causing us to double down on a disproven idea.....

For example, if you believe you're not a good mother or bad at your job, you will naturally dismiss the good days as 'lucky', but on those the bad days you will feel completely responsible and blame them on your bad parenting or being bad at your job! This can quickly turn into a dangerous, vicious cycle.

There is also a scientific theory that human reasoning evolved as a persuasive tool to win other people over to our side - not as a diagnostic tool to figure out what’s true in our own mind! This means it is human instinct for our brain to attempt to prove itself right no matter how it makes us feel.

However, if we notice when confirmation bias is happening, we can decide when and what to actually believe. This is one of the easiest ways to start believing in ourselves and start to get into a habit of positive thinking.

Most people think we need evidence to believe something is true. Confirmation bias tells us this is simply not correct. There is no point in waiting for evidence to prove us wrong - it will not come. This is because - even if the evidence is there - our brain will simply not see it.

To combat negative confirmation bias - which may be holding us back - we firstly need to take notice of when our brain is trying to do this to us. We then need to give ourselves - and our mind - new thoughts or a new project to find evidence for.

Todays Challenge - Start to notice when your mind may be linking things together with nagative Confirmation Bias and write it down. At the end of the day revisit what you've written down and see whether your brain still sees the situation so negatively. Chances are, with time to reflect, it actually won't be such a big deal!

What to do next....

All the ‘Free Your Mind’ techniques take time and practice. But now you have some new knowledge, why not download my FREE Mindset Map, which will show you how to put everything you have learned into practice. To get your FREE copy straight to your Inbox, click here.

In this FREE Mindset Map, I outline an amazing and enjoyable journey of self-discovery. A journey that will lead you to a happier and more fulfilling future. A life full of energy and positivity and filled with a feeling of calm and inner balance.

I share my signature framework, The 5-Stage Mindset Makeover Method to:

  • Get to know yourself better, take back control and uncover what your values and drivers in life are
  • Start to see the world differently and develop a mindset which will naturally move you towards a more positive outlook on life
  • Start the process of designing your own path forward and creating the impetus to taking those first all-important steps
  • Start to make real change, gain momentum and what to do if you deviate from your path (or stop completely!)
  • Arrive at your destination and what to do next!

Or to find out more about me, why not join me in my free private community on Facebook by clicking here

Photo's used for our 7-day challenge were provided by local up-and-coming photographer Dominique-Alana Photography