Podcast 69 - How To Price Your Offers

So, what's it all about?

Figuring out the right price for whatever it is you offer can be a minefield.

Pricing is as much about your confidence and mindset as it is about what you're actually selling and this is why so many women in business struggle to find the right price.

In this episode, I explain my way to find the right price for you.

Many people try to figure out their price by estimating how long they will spend on an activity, or how much profit they might make from a sale, then times this number by an hourly rate. The problem with this is there is no high level vision of the business you want to grow and therefore there is no alignment of your price with your strategy.

For me, pricing makes much more sense when we do it the opposite way round.

✨ Work out what kind of a business you want to grow
✨ Work out how much you want to earn from that business
✨ Work out how many clients, customers or sales you could easily deliver
✨ Do the calculation to find out the price that actually builds you the business you want to grow
✨ Figure out how you fit the pieces together to make what you sell feel like an absolute steal for the price you have set.

Have a listen to the episode to find out how to do all the above and more...

What can you do NOW to grow your business?

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✅ AND I will give you one simple action - and a tonne of free resources - that will start to fix it.

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Jenni Donato

Jenni is an Award-Winning Mindset Coach & Business Strategist, host of the 'Mindset & Method' Podcast and founder of Altitude - a 6-month immersive coaching experience with 30 business growth experts.