Day 3 - The Life Balance Challenge

Your Life Balance Reset

There are 4 basic survival needs which every human craves to be happy and content within their life.

When these are not in balance, we can quickly become stressed and our lives can seem to start to go off track.

This can lead to frustration within our daily routine, a feeling of not having enough time to achieve what we want or a feeling of starting to lose the connection with the people we care about the most.

These 4 core needs are:

  • Significance (Importance / Purpose)
  • Love/Connection (Family / Sharing / Bonding)
  • Certainty (Security)
  • Variety/Fun (Diversity)

Watch the video below and complete your Day 3 Challenge for your own Life Balance Reset...

Day 3 Challenge

On a blank piece of paper write what each of the 4 core basic needs mean to you. What brings you joy in each of the areas and how often do you get to do it? Can you schedule more time in the one area you feel you need to focus and what would you need to do to bring this area into balance?

And don't forget to come inside my FREE Facebook Community 'More to Me than Mum' to post your homework

Just use the search function to search for 'The Life Balance Challenge - Day 3' to join the discussion and get the support you need to make the most of your Life Balance Challenge...